Coriolis integrates the platform Plugin on the Appliance itself, this way there is no need for agents to be deployed on platforms to establish the communication between the platform and the Coriolis components.
As both OLVM and RHEV/RHV platforms use oVirt, the same Coriolis plugin can be used for both platforms as a target.
OLVM as a destination cloud
Migrating (CMaaS) to OLVM
Migrations to OLVM operate like Replicas do and thus entail the same requirements and steps described below.
Replicating (DRaaS) to OLVM
Replica executions:
Steps performed by Coriolis:
- if this is the first replica execution for the VM, create empty disks on OLVM, each matching the specifications of a disk the VM had on the source. If this is a later replica execution, the previously created volumes are used
- if this is the first replica execution of the VM, create a new live snapshot of the disks of the VM on the source cloud (handled by whatever source cloud plugin we are using). If this is a later replica execution, create a new live snapshot based on the one from the last successful replica execution
- create a temporary Linux worker VM in OLVM (the “disk copy worker”) on the destination cloud and attach the volumes from Step 1 to it
- read the contents of the snapshot created at step 2 via the source platform’s snapshot/backup APIs (handled by whatever source cloud plugin we are using), transferring the written chunks to the temporary VM created in step 3, which then writes the chunks at the appropriate index/offset of the disks made at step 1
- once the contents of all the disks have been synced to the volumes created in Step 1, detach the volumes and delete the disk copy worker made in Step 3
Replica deployments:
Steps performed by Coriolis:
- create snapshots of the previously replicated volumes on the OLVM to be able to roll back any changes. By default, new volumes are made from these snapshots, leaving the original replica volumes intact for future replica executions
- depending on the OS of the VM whose replica is being deployed, boot a temporary worker VM (“the OSMorphing worker”) with the same OS type on the destination cloud, and attach the volumes from step 1 to it
- perform the “OSMorphing process”, where Coriolis commands the OSMorphing worker created at step 2 to scan all attached disks for the OS installation of the VM we are migrating, mount, and perform the steps needed to prepare the installation for the new platform (ex: uninstalling the VMWare guest tools and installing VirtIO drivers)
- detach the volumes created at step 1 from the OSMorphing worker created at step 2 and delete the temporary worker VM
- create and boot the migrated VM on OLVM with the specifications of the original VM on the source cloud (which have been noted during the replica execution we are deploying), creating and attaching any necessary NICs and volumes.
Temporary worker image for Replica/Migration
When choosing to run a task of Replica/Migration to OLVM, there will have to be VM templates on the destination platform having a set username and password for the Coriolis worker to access and use as a temporary VM.
The VM templates need to have the IDs all zeroed, like the default OLVM image created. In a case where that image is no longer existent or was changed, a new image must be created.
The most common way to create the image Coriolis needs is to import ‘as template’ one of the images found in the ‘ovirt-image-repository‘, as seen below
Once the image is imported as a template, a new VM must be created using it and verify if ‘qemu-guest-agent‘ is installed:
- on Linux distributions check ‘systemctl status qemu-guest-agent‘
- on a Windows machine check for the VirtIO drivers as the qemu-guest-agent is included in the VirtIO drivers
If the agent is not present install it on the machine and save it as a template afterward.
- Install on Ubuntu and Debian derivatives:
- Install on RedHat and derivatives:
- Install on Windows
- Download the VirtIO drivers using the official archive, copy on or attach it to the machine, and use the .iso image for the following:
- Install VirtIO drivers by running the .exe file
- install qemu-guest-agent using the .exe file
- Download the VirtIO drivers using the official archive, copy on or attach it to the machine, and use the .iso image for the following:
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[crayon-67c975dacac50061840405 inline="true" ]apt update && apt -y install qemu-guest-agent systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent systemctl start qemu-guest-agent systemctl status qemu-guest-agent |
1 2 3 |
[crayon-67c975dacac53052445966 inline="true" ]yum install -y qemu-guest-agent systemctl enable --now qemu-guest-agent systemctl status qemu-guest-agent |
After completing the qemu-guest-agent install, depending on the OS type selected Linux or Windows, follow the temporary worker page for the completing steps.
Note: For Windows VMs, the temporary worker image version must be at least the same as the OS of the VM that needs to be migrated.
OSMorphing steps taken when migrating/replicating to OLVM
Depending on the OS release being migrated/replicated, the following notable steps will be performed as part of the OSMorphing process:
- install guest agent (ovirt-guest-agent or qemu-guest-agent)
- installing the VirtIO drivers – as per the below section
Migrating Windows VMs
When migrating Windows VMs, the OSMorphing workers need to install VirtIO drivers to the migrated Windows VMs to make sure they boot properly on OCI.
The user needs to self-host the drivers using their Oracle account, by accepting Oracle’s EULA and downloading the ZIP file containing the drivers. Downloading steps can be found here under the Downloading the Oracle VirtIO Drivers section.
As of June 2024, the latest version of the Oracle VirtIO Drivers Version for Microsoft Windows is 2.1.0, the archive filename is (44.4 MB).
Please ensure that the zip archive contains the file “winvirtio.iso” as Coriolis will be requiring that to slipstream the Windows VirtIO drivers.
The ZIP file’s URL is then used in the Migration/Replica settings or can be passed to the windows_virtio_zip_url configuration option in coriolis.conf.
Refer to the Oracle VirtIO Drivers for Microsoft Windows for Use With KVM page for more details on the VirtIO drivers support matrix for Windows guest versions.
Disk copy worker templates
During the migration process to/from OLVM, Coriolis creates a temporary worker VM to which it attaches snapshots of the original instance’s disks to read them through it.
The disk reading process involves transmission over an SSH channel, so both security and transfer efficiency should be maximized.
Depending on the Coriolis configuration, the disk copy worker might have to do some decompression itself, which is why it is recommended the Worker VM template be configured to be more compute-capable (CPU/RAM), as a minimum the Worker VM template should have 2 CPU cores and 2GB of memory.
The images do NOT require any special Coriolis agent running in them and can be images already available on OLVM, granted the following requirements:
- When Migrating a Windows VM, the temporary worker image version used for the temporary worker must be the same as the one for the VM replicated/migrated or newer.
- image must have VirtIO drivers and ovirt guest agent/qemu guest agent
For VirtIO drivers, please follow the official page for download for the community drivers, or use the Oracle VirtIO drivers.
Configuration Options
Below is a listing of the configuration section needed when migrating/replicating to OLVM:
Configuration options for OLVM as a destination
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[ovirt_migration_provider] ### General parameters: # Name or ID of a blank template to be used for a temporary VM through # which disk snapshots will be managed. The template should ideally be # blank (i.e. have no attached disks) in order to facilitate cloning times. # Internal default is '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'. # default_migr_blank_template = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ### Import parameters: # Name or ID of the cluster to migrate machines to. default_cluster = Default # Name or ID of a pre-existing oVirt storage domain to be # used for the disks of migrated VMs. The storage domain's # type must be either 'data' or 'managed block storage'. default_storage_domain = "" # Name or ID of a pre-existing VM pool on oVirt to add migrated VMs to. default_vm_pool = "" # Name of the OS release to use for migrated machines. # Internal default is 'other_linux'. default_os_release = "other_linux" # Default optimization setting for migrated machines. # Internal default is 'server'. default_optimized_for = "server" # Default setting for deletion protection on migrated machines. default_delete_protected = False # Whether or not Coriolis should skip starting the migrated # VM(s) on oVirt after creating them. # Internal default is False. default_leave_migrated_vms_off = false # Name or ID of a pre-existing cluster to boot temporary minion # machines in. If left unset, the main 'default_cluster' selected for # the import will be used. default_migr_minion_cluster = Default # "Mapping between operating system types ('linux' or 'windows') and the # names or IDs of pre-existing templates on oVirt to be used for temporary # machines Coriolis will be spawning to perform various operations. Both # templates should either have a pre-defined username and password set # within them, or have cloud-init installed and configured for an # initial run. The Linux template will be used for data transfer and # OSMorphing of Linux machines, and must of an up-to-date Linux release # and be configured to listen for SSH connection on port 22. The Windows # template will strictly be used Windows OSMorphing and must be set # up with WinRM/HTTPS on port 5986. default_migr_template_map = linux: Bionic-passworded, windows: WS2016 # Mapping between operating system types ('linux' or 'windows') and the # pre-set usernames of the respective templates set using the # 'default_migr_template_map' option. The users must have admin rights # and allow for passwordless sudo on Linux. If no user or password is # provided, cloud-init-based initialization is attempted. default_migr_template_username_map = linux: coriolis, windows: coriolis # Mapping between operating system types ('linux' or 'windows') and the # pre-set password for the users specified within the # 'default_migr_template_username_map' option for the templates provided # using the 'Migration Minion Template Map' option. If no user or password # is provided, cloud-init-based initialization is attempted. default_migr_template_password_map = linux: Passw0rd, windows: Passw0rd # Name or ID of a pre-existing storage domain to boot temporary # minion machines in. If left unset, the default storage domain # on the minion machine template will be used. default_migr_minion_storage_domain = "" |
OLVM platform specifics
Supported Actions: | Migration Destination – Replica Destination | Comments |
Plugin identifier | ovirt | Identifies the plugin. Used for the –provider CLI parameter |
Credentials needed | Username and password | Necessary credentials to give to Coriolis |
Deployment requirements | Coriolis worker component(s) need network access to the OLVM APIs. | Coriolis deployment and environment connectivity requirements |
DRaaS source requirements | OLVM is not currently supported as a DRaaS source | Requirements to use the replica export (DRaaS source) features |
Instance identification scheme | Names must be unique | How instances to migrate/replicate are identified on a source cloud handled by this plugin |
Network identification scheme | Names of VM Networks | How the plugin identifies networks. Required for the network_map field of the –destination-environment |
OLVM Endpoint Connection Parameters
To connect to OLVM to perform a migration from it, the following connection parameters are required:
Example of connection info JSON to be passed to the OLVM plugin
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{ "url": "https://manager.olvm.local/ovirt-engine/api", "username": "admin", "password": "SuperS3kre7", "allow_untrusted": true } |
Each parameter represents:
- url (string) – the full URL (including protocol, port number and endpoint subpath (e.g. /ovirt-engine/api))
- username (string) – the username to login as
- password (string) – the password for the given username
- allow_untrusted (boolean) – whether or not to accept connecting to OLVM hosts with self-signed certificates